Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two days down the drain...

I just wasted two days trying to restore my eclipse environment.

Late Friday afternoon, out of the blue, the eclipse IDE on my Mac OSX laptop no longer was able to run the debugger. I kept receiving the follow error:

Invalid memory access of location 0x14 rip=0x1007f6d22

After much fruitless searching and dead end attempts to fix it, I decided to reinstall the OS. No luck, still broken - but after a second install, I got a different error message that pointed to the problem: During the updating of my hosts file, I had accidentally blown away my localhost definition. After I restored the defintion, voila - problem solved!


stone said...

I love you guy! Made my day!

Tom said...

Agreed with @stone. Sorry you went through the pain, but thanks for saving me 2 days.

bilobag said...

Thanks for the quick and simple answer. You also saved me a lot of pain!!

Andreas said...

Thank you very much! I had the same problem out of the blue. I'm using a shell script that rewrites the hosts file in order to add some ssh port forwards. Without you, I would have probably never found out that it messed up the localhost entries.. thanks from switzerland

Shiv said...

thanks a lot man

tuandmk47 said...

Thank so much, i had the same problem, i added new line ( localhost) in host file -- problem solved.